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Early Years

Patterns from Recent Ofsted Inspections in Buckinghamshire

Patterns from Recent Ofsted Inspections in Buckinghamshire

Spring Inspections 01/01/2024 - 15/04/2024

Early years inspection handbook - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

During the Spring term 2024 there were a total of 57 inspections at Early Years provision in Primary Schools, PVI, Day Nurseries, Childminders and Out of School Club settings in Buckinghamshire. The outcomes of these were:   

Early Years provision in Primary schools inspected: 10 (90% Good or above) 

Pre-schools and nurseries inspected: 20 (100% Good or above)    

Childminders inspected: 20 (95% Good, Met or above)     

Out of School Clubs inspected: 8 (100% Good, Met or above)    

Below is an overview of the report findings and corresponding links to information on the Early Years Service website to support with further development in EYFS practice:  


 Curriculum Implementation

  • Ensure staff are supported and given the opportunity to build and improve their own knowledge of the curriculum intentions and enhance the delivery of the curriculum.
  • Provide children with opportunities to practise skills they have already learnt and build on prior learning.
  • Staff to know the aims of adult led activities and engage in play in a purposeful way to build upon children’s existing knowledge.

Support for all Early Years Settings | Early Years (buckinghamshire.gov.uk)


Physical Development

  • Provide children with ample opportunities to experience physical challenge and develop new physical skills.
  • Provide children with enough time to play physically in the outside environment.
  • Do outside learning opportunities have clear aims and how do staff support learning in the outdoor environment.
  • Do the children have opportunities to take physical risks?Physical Development | Early Years (buckinghamshire.gov.uk)


Communication and Language Development 

  • How leaders support all staff to provide a consistent approach in promoting communication and language.
  • Strengthen staff's skills in recognising when children need more time to process information and respond during conversations and when asked questions. 

Communication and Language Initiatives and Audits | Early Years (buckinghamshire.gov.uk)


Some quotes from Ofsted reports    

In the early years, children get off to an excellent start. The early years curriculum prepares children well for the next stage of their education. The areas in which children learn are purposefully designed. Children cooperate well with each other and happily share resources with friends. During independent learning times, staff model expertly and encourage pupils to practise important vocabulary. This helps pupils rapidly develop their communication and language skills.


There is a highly ambitious curriculum in place. This is informed by the manager's and provider's deep awareness of new research and current thinking on early years education. The nursery follows the principals of the Montessori approach, but staff are flexible and adapt the curriculum to support children to gain a sense of awe and wonder in their learning. This is highly successful. Children show exceptional levels of perseverance and determination in their learning. They make superb progress in their development. 


The childminder has high ambition for children and what they can achieve. She is confident in what she wants children to learn based upon what is most beneficial for their age and stage of development. 


Throughout their time at the club, children take part in frequent interesting conversations when they engage with staff and other children. These are rich with laughter and smiles, showing how skilled the staff are at engaging children and maintaining children's attention.


Patterns from recent Ofsted Inspections - Spring 2024 Term

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