Management and Allegations
Management and Allegations
- Ofsted is no longer responsible for checking the suitability of people managing the day-to-day operation of childcare settings, unless they make up part of the ‘registered person’
- Ofsted continue to assess the suitability of childminders, childminders’ assistants and those living or working on the premises where childminding takes place.
- It is the responsibility of the ‘registered person’ to ensure they undertake safer recruitment and check suitability of any new managers, including disqualification by association
- Disclosure and Barring Service checks are no longer carried out by Ofsted for changes in managers, although those for new committee members and ‘the registered person’ will still be carried out. The registered person may be an individual, organisation , or childminder
- New registered persons and all new committee members must complete and submit to Ofsted an online EY2 form as soon as possible giving their permission for checks to be carried out. This also includes new members of a childminders household and those who turn 16.
- Childcare providers are also responsible for checking the ongoing suitability of their staff, including but not limited to, annual suitability declarations, supervisions and appraisals.
Contact the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)
Telephone: 01296 382070
If you are worried about making a referral, please consult with your manager or those in your organisation with responsibility for child protection; or speak to a member of the Early Years Service: 01296 387111
Allegation against a Childminder
If an allegation is made about you, inform the Early Years Designated Manager, Vanessa Mills, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Manager, Tanya Page or Deputy Designated Manager, Louise Merridan: by calling 01296-387111, within 24 hours, who will advise you further. Please also make contact with Ofsted 0300 1231231
If you have concerns, or an allegation is made about your assistant, you must first contact the LADO and then Ofsted.
Updates to Allegations Management Processes following collaboration with Children’s Social Care and Human Resources
The LADO Service has made changes to the terminology used for LADO Meetings. All LADO Meetings are now known as Allegations Against Staff & Volunteer Meetings (ASV Meetings). These changes have been made in order to streamline process and ensure a clear separation between meetings about Allegations against Staff and Volunteers and Child Protection Strategy Meetings.