Bespoke Training & Support
Bespoke Training & Support
The benefits of this type of support, include a whole team response to training and the opportunity for this to be tailored to your individual setting’s requirements, delivered by known and trusted members of the Early Years Service.
Below are examples of the bespoke training and support currently available, which are provided in addition to the current universal visits to your settings:
Prices excluding VAT if applicable to your organisation
PVI providers - Half day consultancy or twilight session for:£300
- The half-day consultancy visits will consist of a three-hour visit to your setting. The focus for the visit will have been agreed prior to the visit.
- The staff meeting will consist of a one and a half hour (maximum 25 individuals) meeting facilitated by the EY team. The agenda for the meeting will have been agreed before it takes place.
Schools - Early Years Service Consultancy: £300
An agreed programme of in-school support can be planned in consultation with the headteacher or other senior leaders. This may include bespoke consultancy visits, audits of practice and provision, training, mentoring, coaching and Early Years reviews.
Prepared training packages - £300 per 3 hour session: Full day training available
Deliver the following training packages to match individual setting's needs for example in-house team meetings or on whole team training days. These could also include a stronger focus on SEND and vulnerable children.
Examples of training packages available :
- Teaching Pre Phonics in Early Years
- Communication & Language
- Understanding the needs of 2 Year Olds
- Where is the maths?
- Quality Practice in the Baby Room
- Planning a Curriculum
Getting it right from the start: Communication and Language 0-3 years
Supporting the well-being of children in the Early Years
This half day course will explore risk and protective factors that promote positive mental health for all children. This course will:
- Look at ways to identify need and the role of practitioners in providing support for children’s mental health and well-being.
- It aims to give practitioners confidence in identifying children that are struggling with their well-being, and the opportunity to consider ways to enhance practice to support these children.
This half a day training session is for up to 20 delegates
Effective Continuous Provision
Effective continuous provision in early years creates an environment where children can independently explore and engage with a variety of resources and activities. This training would focus on the following, but can be adapted to meet the needs of the setting:
- Discussing defined spaces within a room to help children focus and engage more deeply
- Looking into core resources that are always accessible to encourage a range of learning opportunities
- Child-led learning and the adult role within the continuous provision to foster independence, provide high-quality interactions and extending children’s thinking
- What makes effective enhancements to help children develop new skills
- Planning and reflection: Effective continuous provision requires careful planning and regular reflection to ensure that the environment meets the needs of all children and supports their development
Please discuss with your Key Contact, if there are other requirements your setting has identified as a priority.
Autism Education Trust (AET) Tier 1 Making Sense of Autism - £300
Basic autism awareness training for all staff in all early years settings, whether or not they work directly with children with autism. This is a 2 hours training session for up to 20 delegates.
Autism Education Trust (AET) Tier 2 Good Autism Practice - £600
This training will support practitioners working directly with children on the autism spectrum or on the pathway to a diagnosis in early years settings. This is a full day training session for up to 20 delegates.
Early interaction programme - £300
5 sessions (½ hour each) to support skills in developing children's language and interaction skills. Allows an opportunity to observe an EY SEND Advisor modelling effective strategies and demonstrating how to use a resource pack of extension / consolidation materials following the visit. Audit and evaluation tools included in the pack.
Audit tools
Self-evaluation is an important element of effective early years practice; we have provided some tools that can be used independently to evaluate your provision.
These audits are available to download at no cost. If you require further support, we are able to offer Bespoke packages for a fee:
- Extend this service with a virtual TEAMs meeting with a member of the early years service who will provide feedback to discuss strengths and areas for development to support action planning.
- Send your completed Assessment self-review to your key contact who will organise for a named member of the EY service to provide detailed feedback highlighting key strengths and areas for development in a two‑hour visit to your setting.
These documents are based on the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework - GOV.UK (
To discuss your requirements and pricing for these products, please contact your Key Contact or email