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Early Years

Support for all Early Years Settings

Support for all Early Years Settings

To support you in implementing the statutory framework for the EYFS 2021, we have compiled some of the resources and materials that are available to all practitioners from childminders to private, voluntary and independent settings to school settings. All the resources featured on this page are free to use.

In the 2019-20 academic year, the Department for Education consulted on proposed changes to the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. The consultation response was published in July 2020 ahead of the early adopter year in 2020/21.

The key aims of the reforms are to:

  • improve child outcomes at age 5, particularly in early language and literacy, especially for disadvantaged children; and
  • reduce workload, such as unnecessary paperwork, so that practitioners can spend more time interacting with the children in their care.

Information about non-statutory guidance can be found on our website.

The Foundation Years website is your destination for all official communications from the Department for Education. This is managed by NCB who are the Department for Education's (DfE) early years stakeholder engagement partner until Spring 2022.

The Department for Education have produced guidance to help practitioners prepare for changes to the early years foundation stage framework.

Help for Early Years providers screenshot

The information about changes to the EYFS framework are for childminders, nursery leaders, nursery and pre-school practitioners. The resources supplied alongside this information will help you to understand the requirements for each area of learning and development, get ideas for activities you can do with children, find advice and support. Reception teachers may also find some of the information useful.

Ofsted have published some myth busters to support all settings implementing the revised EYFS. There’s a page for registered Early Years providers and a separate page for schools.

Support packages from the Early Years Service

The Early Years Service have produced three packages to support you in implementing the EYFS. The packages feature resources that are freely available to the sector to support with your understanding of the reforms and support with creating a curriculum. The curriculum planning package is intended for use by all settings. Each slide is accompanied by notes to help navigate the content on the slide.

Implementing the EYFS - Resources for PVI and CMs

Implementing the EYFS - Resources for School Settings

Implementing the EYFS - Curriculum Planning

If you have any questions, then please speak to your Key Contact.

Julian Grenier Presentation to Buckinghamshire

Julian Grenier presented to Buckinghamshire settings in June 2021 and the presentation has been edited into thirteen short videos to allow practitioners to easily access the sections that are going to be most useful to them. The sections and links are detailed below.

1 - What are the key changes to the revised EYFS and what does it mean for schools and children?

2 - What is different in the revised Development Matters guidance?

3 - Narrowing the gap

4 - How can changes to the EYFS improve outcomes

5 - Curriculum

6 - Bilingual children

7 - Balanced approach curriculum and pedagogy

8 - Assessment and tracking

9 - Dylan William struggling learners

10 - Assessment that makes a difference

11 - Inclusive Practice

12 - Children with SEN

13 - Key points for reflection

FAQs from the session Julian Grenier presented to Bucks settings in June 2021 are available.


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