Eligible working families whose children will be aged between 9 and 23 months old on 31 August can now apply to receive 15 hours childcare starting from September 2024.

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Early Years

Non-Statutory Guidance Documents

Non-Statutory Guidance Documents

There’s a variety of non-statutory guidance documents available to all practitioners to help them implement the EYFS.

Development Matters has been updated and is recommended by the Department for Education.

A vodcast on Development Matters with Julian Grenier – September 2020

A vodcast from Julian Grenier about Understanding the revised EYFS and Development Matters – March 2021

The EYFS Network Group in May 2021 focused on Development Matters. The information from this session may be useful in understanding this non-statutory guidance document.

The EYFS (2021) states that “Development Matters, non-statutory curriculum guidance for the EYFS, is available to support providers in their delivery of the EYFS learning and development requirements. As this document is non-statutory, Ofsted and inspectorates of independent schools will not have regard to it in carrying out inspections and it is up to providers to decide how they approach the curriculum.” page 7.

Working with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage: Principles into Practice

Julian Grenier led on the revision of Development Matters for the Department for Education. He has independently written guidance to support practitioners, teachers and settings in understanding and implementing the revised EYFS. His publication is called 'Working with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice' and is available to download free as a PDF.

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