Early Years

2-Year-Old Funding

2-Year-Old Funding

On this page you will find a toolkit of resources available to support all early years providers and other professionals in the promotion and take up of 2-year-old funded places. The resources aimed at parents, have been designed for you to download. They can be used both digitally through your online communications such as websites, newsletters and emails or in printable format as part of displays or handouts.

As well as promoting the funding and how to apply, there are also short films designed to support you in promoting the benefits of taking up a place in an early years provision.

If you have any questions relating to the toolkit or ideas for additional resources you would find useful, please speak to your key contact or a member of the 2-year-old funding team on 01296 387000.

2-Year-Old FAQs

Supporting parents/carers and professionals to find provision


Family 1



2-year-old funding information sessions:


½ hour online sessions are delivered free of charge for providers and other professionals. As well as information about 2 year old funding, the session provides information about tax-free childcare, universal credit childcare benefit, government proposed changes to ’30 hours’ and an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

The session is delivered each half-term for providers on these dates  Everything you need to know about 2 year old funding.pdf 

If you are unable to attend a session please feel free to view the presentation for providers  2 year old funding information for providers.pdf or the presentation for professionals  2 year old funding information for professionals.pdf


Printable Toolkits and Promotional material for Early Years providers:



Printable Toolkits for other professionals:



Useful videos for parents:



Social Media:


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