Eligible working families whose children will be aged between 9 and 23 months old on 31 August can now apply to receive 15 hours childcare starting from September 2024.

Find out more information on the Childcare Choices website

Early Years

Incidents and Accidents

Incidents and Accidents

Notifications of Incidents

As part of the EYFS childcare providers must notify Ofsted and of any serious accident, illness or injury to, or death of any child while in their care and of the action taken. Notifications to Ofsted need to be made as soon as reasonably possible but must be reported within a 14-day window of the incident occurring. Full details regarding health can be found in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) from section 3.45

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage

Notify Ofsted of an accident or incident

How to report Notifications of infectious diseases

Preventing Unintentional Injuries 

Public health England has published a useful guide for childcare providers working with children under 5 years old


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