Early Years

Early Years Educator (Nursery Staff) - Green Ridge Primary Academy - Aylesbury

Early Years Educator (Nursery Staff) - Green Ridge Primary Academy - Aylesbury


The successful candidate will have:

  • A full & relevant Level 2 or 3 qualification (working towards will be considered)
  • The motivation and passion to achieve the very best for the children in our care and be relentless in the pursuit of excellence.
  • A good understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • The ability to work independently as well as part of a wider team
  • The ability to work on initiative
  • A ‘can-do’ approach to all aspects of academy life
  • A willingness to undertake professional development and grow their skills
  • Excellent communication skills and a good sense of humour

Responsibilities/Extra Information:

 As a member of the academy’s support staff team, you will be responsible for supporting the development of children’s knowledge, understanding and skills across all areas of learning. This may be supporting children on a one-to-one basis, supporting small groups or delivering interventions and additional support to children as needed. This may be working within our 2/3-year-old class (Little Berries), or across our 3/4-year-old classes (Little Acorns and Little Pines). The role also includes supervising children during break and lunchtimes and before/after school sessions in line with your shift pattern and as necessary.

For further information about the role come and visit our school! To book your visit or for an informal discussion, please contact the school office on 01296 326320 or by email admin@greenridgeacademy.co.uk. School visits are encouraged but are by appointment

Contact: Michaela Harris 01296326320

Please send your CV/Application form to: 


Link to provider website: 


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