Early Years

Early Years Practitioner - Gateway School

Early Years Practitioner - Gateway School


Salary will be dependent upon experience.
The applicant must hold a full and relevant childcare qualification that enables them to be counted towards ratios for under 5s.

  • Skills, Abilities and Disposition
  • A happy, enthusiastic and positive person
  • Self motivated and ability to work on own initiative
  • Be able to work as part of a professional childcare team
  • Have an understanding of equal opportunities.
  • Ability to communicate confidently with a wide range of people, both verbally and in writing.
  • Good organisational skills.
  • To be able to understand and meet the needs of individual children and families.
  • To deliver suitable learning and care experiences for children to ensure they develop and thrive in the Preschool.
  • To enjoy and be suitable to work with children
  • Understand the need to provide a stimulating, caring and consistent environment for young children.
  • To be flexible with regard to working hours and shifts.
  • To be committed to the nursery and school’s philosophy and ethos.

Responsibilities/Extra Information:

  • Get to know and build strong and positive relationships with each child and their parents/ caregivers
  • Plan for and operate a programme of activities suitable to the age range of children attending the Preschool in conjunction with the team on a weekly basis.
  • Adjust activities according to individual children’s needs.
  • Support all staff and contribute to the team. Follow instructions of the Preschool Manager.
  • Liaise with and support parents and other family members.
  • Attend staff meetings and training events outside working hours if required.
  • Undertake certain domestic jobs within the Preschool, for example, serving snacks and meals.
  • Develop your role within the team.
  • Engage in reflective practice, use constructive feedback to continually improve.
  • Carry out any reasonable request given to you by any Senior Member of Staff.
  • Be reliable and punctual


Helen Brown - 01494862407

Please send your CV/Application form to:


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