Early Years

Pre-School Deputy Manager - Bledlow Pre-School

Pre-School Deputy Manager - Bledlow Pre-School


  • Minimum NVQ Level 3 Qualification in Childcare or equivalent;
  • Minimum of two years post qualification experience;
  • A knowledge and understanding of the EYFS;
  • A sound understanding of child development and how children learn through play and talk
  • A good standard of literacy and numeracy and excellent communication skills;
  • A good working knowledge of ICT and an ability to use Microsoft office applications, email and the internet.

Responsibilities/Extra Information:

  • The ability to work in a positive manner with colleagues and as part of a team
  • The ability to communicate effectively and professionally with parents/carers and other professionals.
  • The ability to be sensitive and supportive to children and families from a wide range of cultures, lifestyles and family circumstances and with a range of special needs
  • The willingness to attend training courses and to keep up to date with the latest ideas and developments in the Early Years field
  • A good understanding of safeguarding requirements
  • The ability to keep clear and appropriate records on children and their progress
  • The ability to be organised, methodical and able to work independently on own initiative without supervision whilst prioritising ongoing activities.
  • Robust mental and physical health


Jess Bryant - 01844273588

Please send your CV/Application form to:


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