Early Years

SEND Resources

SEND Resources

Newly updated - Visual Support Pack - Free Resources 

We are pleased to offer our updated Early Years Visual Supports and Templates Packs that have been created  in collaboration with the Buckinghamshire NHS and our newly created Visual Support Pack for the Out of Schools Sector.

The packs give useful information on how visual supports can be used effectively. They detail how to use visuals to support children and young people’s communication and to develop their understanding of language, as well as how to use visuals to give children and young people information in an easily accessible way. The template pack includes many common visual resources that you are able to edit and print. The packs can be used by practitioners to support children and young people within settings or can be shared with parents who are currently supporting their child at home (either in their entirety or by sharing particular visual boards that you feel would be appropriate for a particular child or young person.)

Early Years Visual Support Pack

Early Years Visual Support Pack - Templates

Out of School Visual Support Pack

Out of School Visual Support Pack - Templates

Learning At Home

Autism Education Trust Resources


Ordinarily Available Provision in the Early Years

Provision that the local authority expects to be made available for Early Years children with special educational needs and/or disabilities

Information for Early Years professionals and parents/carers

Ordinarily Available Provision in the Early Years

Ordinarily Available Provision for Out of School and Holiday Clubs


Graduated Approach Documents

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