Early Years

Patterns from Recent Ofsted Inspections in Buckinghamshire

Patterns from Recent Ofsted Inspections in Buckinghamshire

During the Summer term 2024 there were a total of 54 inspections carried out across Early Years provision in Primary Schools, PVI, Day Nurseries, Childminders and Out of School Club settings in Buckinghamshire. The outcomes of these were:    

Early Years provision in Primary schools inspected: 7 (100% Good or above)   

Pre-schools and nurseries inspected: 15 (80% Good or above)     

Childminders inspected: 27 (92% Good, Met or above)      

Out of School Clubs inspected: 6 (100% Good, Met or above)     

Below is an overview of the report findings and corresponding links to information on the Early Years Service website to support with further development in EYFS practice:   


 Curriculum Implementation 

  • To consistently promote children's early number and mathematical skills even more effectively, consider strengthening teaching strategies.Mathematics | Early Years 
  • How do you create a well sequenced curriculum which considers children’s existing knowledge and next steps?
  • Target support to help younger children to make even better progress in their learning by focusing the planning of the curriculum more precisely. Enhancing Early Years Practice | Early Years

Curriculum training opportunities:

Building a unique Curriculum Buckinghamshire Council Early Years Training

Making Maths Matter Buckinghamshire Council Early Years Training


Communication and Language Development 

Communication and Language training opportunities:

Communication and Language for Babies and Very Young Children Buckinghamshire Council Early Years Training


Staff Development 

  • Support staff further to improve their existing good practice, offering a more personalised professional development programme and monitoring the impact of any training more sharply.
  • Increase staff confidence in delivering the curriculum intent so it becomes embedded in their practice and is consistently implemented across the setting. Early Years and Childcare Training | Early Years

Staff Development Training Opportunities

Leading the Early Years with Confidence Buckinghamshire Council Early Years Training

Practitioners new to the EYFS Buckinghamshire Council Early Years Training


Some quotes from Ofsted reports   

  • A hallmark of this school is the wonderful care and nurturing relationships that staff forge with children. This enables young children to feel emotionally secure and safe. 
  • The passionate manager and dedicated staff work tirelessly to create a highly ambitious and stimulating curriculum for all children. Staff carefully consider how key concepts and knowledge link to children's stages of development. Woven into this is a programme for children to understand and regulate their own learning and thinking. 
  • The childminder narrates their play and includes them in conversations. For example, when children engage in an activity where they observe ice melt, she asks them to describe how it feels. Children use words, such as 'cold' and 'sticky'. These important interactions promote children's communication and language skills further. 
  • The manager shows strong, conscientious leadership. There are good arrangements to reflect on the service provided and to consult with those involved to make improvements, this includes children, parents and staff. 

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