Early Years

Wraparound Grants Tools and Templates

Wraparound Grants Tools and Templates

Wraparound Grant

Local Authorities should work with and fund primary schools and private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) providers, including childminders, to introduce or expand before- and after-school childcare provision in their area where there is a gap in availability. As part of this programme the government wants local authorities, schools, and providers to test flexible approaches and gather evidence of what works. 

The funding available from the Local Authority through the Wraparound Grant will also remove the financial risk of setting up or expanding wraparound provision where sufficient demand is not guaranteed to sustain provision from the start, but where the guarantee of places could help build sufficient demand over time as parents/carers are assured of the supply of places. 

Parents will still be expected to pay to access this provision, as this programme aims to increase the availability of childcare rather than subsidise childcare.  Support with the cost will continue to be available to eligible parents through Universal Credit childcare and Tax-Free Childcare. LAs, schools, trusts and private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) providers, including childminders, are expected to make parents aware of this support and be set up in a way to enable parents to use it. 

Applicants should familiarise themselves with the guidance prior to completing an application.  

Before completing the application form it is important that you have put together a costed business plan outlining your project, how you will grow provision and stating what the cost of the project will be.

Please find a sample business plan template here: Wraparound Business Plan 

Or visit the following websites:

Business Planning and Childcare Sufficiency | Early Years (buckinghamshire.gov.uk)

Write a business plan - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Sample cashflow forecast can be found here:

Detailed Cashflow Forecast

Simple Cashflow Forecast

Once you have costed the wraparound development or extension project and you would like to apply for funding, please fill in the application form:

 Application for Wraparound Childcare Funding 2024 2026

Please remember to submit all supporting documents.

Other tools you may find useful:

Schools estimated wraparound costs

 Wraparound Weekly Vacancies and Income Tracker

Breakeven Occupancy Calculations

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